My background
I'm a scientist by education (Msc. in Cell Biology and Physiology coupled to a post graduate degree in Clinical Research), I started my career in the pharmaceutical industry as a researcher. I worked with psychiatrists to develop clinical study protocols in the field of the central nervous system and to review their patient files with them to discuss the inclusion criteria and the benefit of their participation in clinical trials. I then moved towards quality assurance as a quality auditor then project manager and finally head of department managing international teams. During 20 years, I worked within large pharmaceutical groups, always in global positions (Corporate) which allowed me to work with hospitals, doctors and team members around the world.
As a continuity to my scientific and Corporate profesional pathway, I wanted to deepen my understanding of the mechanisms of human interactions and sharpen my interpersonal communication skills hence after 20 years in the pharmaceutical industry, I started studying for a Psychology degree at Paris's University of Psychology from which I graduated (DU Clinical Psychology & Strategic intervention).
Thanks to my listening and intercultural communication skills and my strong scientific background in psychopathology (depression, ADHD, PTSD, giftedness), I can accompany you in psychotherapy in both French and English, as a bilingual.
In accordance with french law, I'm a licensed psychotherapist and therefore I'm registered towards locql health authorities.
Julie *
Je tenais à vous remercier de me redonner du courage et de me soutenir sur les actions de ma vie. Ça me fait du bien d'avoir votre regard, de savoir que vous serez honnête et que vous n'hésiterez pas à me confronter s'il le faut.
Votre approche qui autorise, voire promeut d'ailleurs, son propre chemin, ses propres valeurs et d'avoir le courage de tenter des expériences de la vie, me fait bcp de bien.
Joanna *
Son écoute bienveillante et son énergie positive m’ont tout de suite mise à l’aise pour me confier
Thierry *
Je trouve ses questions très pertinentes et lucides et je sors de chaque séance avec toujours un peu plus de clarté sur moi-même, ma situation et les pistes à travailler
* Les noms ont été modifiés afin de garantir l'anonymat des patients